
Abdul Sadiq Sadiqi氏への弔意

元アフガニスタン自転車競技連盟会長のAbdul Sadiq Sadiqi氏のご逝去の報に接し、謹んでお悔やみを申し上げますとともに、心からご冥福をお祈りします。

I would like to express my sincere condolences and pray for the soul from the bottom of my heart, in keeping with the report of the former president of Afghanistan Cycling federation, Mr. Abdul Sadiq Sadiqi’s death.

公益財団法人 日本自転車競技連盟
会 長 佐久間 重 光

Sakuma Shigemitsu
Japan Cycling Federation


Mr. Abdul Sadiq Sadiqi
Born in Capital city of Kabul on 19th of March ,Mr. Sadiqi dedicated whole his life to cycling and sport due to which he was known as the father of Cycling in Afghanistan.
Mr. Sadiqi contributed in promotion of the women participation in sports and gender equality. After the Taliban regime collapse- where women were not allowed to get out of the house; he encouraged and trained young women to cycle in dangerous roads of Kabul and fight for their rights. As result of which, today there are hundreds of women cyclist in the country.

Abdul Sadiq Sadiqi氏について
Abdul Sadiq Sadiqi氏は3月19日に首都カブールで生まれた後、その人生のすべてを自転車に捧げ、アフガニスタンにおける自転車競技の父として知られていました。